We're fighting deadly skin cancer.

The Miller Lab and the Center for Merkel Cell Carcinoma at Mass General Cancer Center is actively pursuing several lines of investigation into Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare, aggressive type of skin cancer. Dr. Miller and his team are developing a clinical and translational research program that incorporates basic science to better understand the fundamental biology of MCC, translational research to investigate biomarkers that may predict response to therapy, and clinical trials to improve the therapeutic options for patients with the disease.

Mass general cancer center jaf
Benefiting Mass General Cancer Center

raised out of $500 goal

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Mass general cancer center jaf
Benefiting Mass General Cancer Center

raised out of $500 goal


$950.00 from MathWorks

"MathWorks a-thon match"

$100.00 from Joseph Kirk

$50.00 from Michael Goff

$20.00 from Louise Domenitz

$18.00 from Anonymous

$50.00 from Your twin Jeff McCabe

"Hurry Up!"

$18.00 from Janet Domenitz

$50.00 from Anonymous

$200.00 from McEwen Charitable Fund

$25.00 from Laura Spurling

$10.00 from Anonymous

$25.00 from Penny McCabe

"Run James Run! ❤️"

$100.00 from Bob Meindl

"Good luck James!"

$50.00 from Anne Balu

"Go James!!"

$50.00 from Robert Morse

"Thanks for running."

$50.00 from Nicole DiSpena Grady

"Good luck!"

$50.00 from Colin Browning

$25.00 from Alberta Mccabe

$50.00 from Mike McCabe

"Good luck!"

$25.00 from Sandra McCabe

$25.00 from Elaine C

$50.00 from Jeff Sullivan