Thank you for supporting @racecancer.

RACE Cancer Foundation fights cancer through action and prevention. Their running events promote health and wellness in the community, reducing the risk of cancer while raising funds and awareness for organizations dedicated to fighting cancer. Their programs create opportunities to reduce and detect cancer through education, prevention, and screening measures. @racecancer's Sunscreen Squad fights skin cancer by bringing free sunscreen dispensers to outdoor events across New England.

Race heart
Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $150 goal

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Race heart
Benefiting RACE Cancer Foundation

raised out of $150 goal


$25.00 from Tom in Louisville

"Thanks for making the world a better place."

$75.00 from Susan Biddle

"Love you!"

$26.00 from Money Life Radio

"Donated by Rich in Orchard Beach, Md."

$25.00 from Eloise Lucas

"Good luck today girlies!!! You’re gonna so great!"

$13.00 from Dale Keener

"Good luck!"

$13.00 from Diane McLevedge

"Go Whitney!"

$13.00 from Brian Altomare

"Happy to help good people helping a good cause. Always loved the "doofus" sounder. Run well."

$13.00 from Vareck Self

$25.00 from Anonymous

$25.00 from Geoff Linke

"Thanks for a Great Show! Good Luck Whitney!"

$13.00 from Money Life Show

"Go Whitney!"

$75.00 from Chuck Jaffe

"Get after it baby doll!"

$13.00 from Michelle Jamin

"I wanted it to be 13.1 but it wouldnt let me!! Proud of you! Keep training hard!"